On Thursday, November 3, 2022 three keynote speakers Mariya Moosajee, Rando Allikmets and Alessandra Recchia will cover the areas of IRD Genomics, Mechanisms of Disease, and Therapeutics. In addition, our 14 StarT ESR fellows will present their exciting PhD research. Tickets for the StarT Day are invite-only, however, there is the option to attend the event virtually. Click here to book you tickets!
Speakers and agenda of the StarT final conference: Session 1: Mechanisms of Inherited Retinal Diseases. Chairs: Sandro Banfi, Zelia Corradi
Session 2: Omics towards better diagnosis of IRD. Chairs: Carmel Toomes, Pietro De Angeli
Session 3: New Therapies for IRD: Chairs: Susanne Kohl, Alfredo Dueñas Rey
On Friday, November 4, 2022, you can join the Retina Fighting Blindness Scientific Day. Click here to book your tickets. On Saturday, November 5 there will be the popular Public Engagement Day. You can check the Speakers and the Agenda here. Friday, November 4 is the fantastic scientific Retina 2022 meeting, and Saturday, November 5 will be the popular Public Engagement Day of Fighting Blindness Ireland.
Check out the confirmed speakers for Retina 2022 here. Click here to submit your abstract and contribute to the conversation. Closing date is Thursday, September 01, 2022. For our last StarT consortium meeting, we aim to invite three renowned speakers covering IRD Genomics, Mechanisms of Disease, and Therapeutics. Also our 14 ESR fellows will present their PhD studies.
Wonderful network event with presentations by all 14 fellows at the last day of the StarT
Progress meeting at TIGEM in Pozzuoli. Congratulations to everyone and thanks a lot for making it such an interesting scientific meeting!! The online kick-off symposium of the RARE-MED consortium takes place on November 27, 2020, from 14-17.30 p.m. Registration is free of charge and can be done here. Please register if you wish to attend, as only registered people will receive a link for the symposium. The symposium program is displayed below.
RARE-MED is a multidisciplinary UGent consortium for basic and translational research on precision medicine for rare diseases, to address missing heritability using systems genetics and functional genomics, to facilitate disease modelling using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing of aquatic model organisms (zebrafish, Xenopus) and of cellular systems, to introduce new gene therapies based on antisense oligonucleotide- or CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing. In the context of this 21ZAP consortium, 3 research professors were appointed: Prof. dr. Sarah Vergult, prof. dr. Kris Vleminckx, and prof. dr. Frauke Coppieters. Retina 2020 was held on a virtual platform on Novermber 6, 2020, with great succes. Retina 2020 brings together top international and Irish researchers and clinicians to showcase the latest updates on therapeutic interventions, eye care practices and scientific discovery. More information can be found here.
Time for an update! ![]()